How to Stick to Raw for Good

by: Heidi Ohlander

It's funny how some things come in waves. We've been receiving a lot of questions lately about how people can stay raw all week long. They start their week out right, but somewhere along the way they slip up here and there.

We both want to say right now that if you "slip up", we don't think it's a big deal at all! You ate something you didn't want, it's not a crime. Remember: it was your choice. Celebrate it! And better than that, take it as an opportunity to learn from it!

Here is our list of 9 solid tips and tricks on how you can stay raw this week:
  • Eat your staples. What are your daily staples? Most of us do not deviate very much from what we eat on a day-to-day basis. Do you eat a lot of banana smoothies? Do you juice regularly? Whatever it is, keep a mental or written list of what you eat. Make sure you are regularly making and stocking these things in your kitchen.

  • Focus on the benefits. When you start feeling so good, you often forget how bad you felt before. It's easy to stay raw when you are focusing on the benefits. Keep a list of ailments you used to have, or before and after pictures. Read raw food blogs, watch videos...stay motivated.

  • Try a new recipe. Even though we often only eat our tried and true recipes, adding at least one new recipe a week keeps things fresh. Try something new. The best thing that could happen is you find something new you love and want to eat often!
  • Have a raw stash. Carry raw food bars in your bag or purse. Bring a trail mix with you in a container. Pack fruit that stays good for a few days or weeks and travels well, like apples and oranges. Bring superfoods with you, like goji berries and raw chocolate.
  • Avoid coffee. For many of us, coffee can be a major trigger for eating heavy foods or cooked foods and vice-versa. Do what you can to reduce the amount of coffee you drink or eliminate it all together.
  • Eat foods that will give you long lasting energy. Fruit is great, but it can burn out quick. Throw a tablespoon of your favorite raw oil in your smoothie. According to David Wolfe in Sunfood Diet Success System, this will help release the fruit sugar more slowly for extended energy. You can also eat a handful of nuts or seeds for longer lasting energy, but don't overdo it or you may get tired.
  • Have your favorite raw food or raw food dish. This is so simple but often overlooked. Make your favorite dish or have your favorite fruit. This can really reignite your raw food passion and make you wonder why you ever wanted cooked food!
  • Make a raw dessert you can freeze or have in the fridge. Personally, we love coming home to an awesome pie or ice cream waiting for us in the fridge or freezer. These can last up to weeks and be there for you when you are hungry and don't want to make something. (For more information on making raw ice cream, you can sign up for our free raw ice cream ecourse.)
  • Eat something that makes you feel good right away. Durian, raw chocolate, and green smoothies are our favorites. They can immediately make you feel ecstatic and joyful!

There you go! Nine easy tips to keep you raw, Right Now!

Remember, being raw isn't like being in the military. You don't have to do something you don't want to do and you have no one to answer to but yourself. Don't make this into a war with you on one side and food on the other.