At age 20, Paul Nison was diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (also know as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), a deadly affliction.
His search for a cure began with medical doctors, but they didn’t have the answers he needed. After trying almost every so-called cure to overcome his pain and suffering, Paul finally discovered the benefits of eating more simply. He started by getting rid of foods that were no good for him. Simplifying his diet was the first step in his cure.
“I was eating so much unhealthy food, but didn’t care because I felt great. When I got sick, I finally realized health doesn’t start with what we add to our diet, but with what we leave out.”
Paul started to leave out all unhealthful foods, and the healthful foods he was left with were raw, ripe, fresh, organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.
After turning to a more simple diet called “the raw food diet” consisting of just that, raw foods, Paul was amazed at how quickly his health returned. He was even more amazed because doctor’s told him raw foods would not help his condition. In fact, they warned him by saying a diet of raw fruits and vegetables would be harmful to anyone with inflammatory bowel disease.
This led Paul to simplify all areas of his life. With his new understanding of “less is more,” Paul left his office job in the financial industry on Wall Street in New York City, wrote some books about health, and started traveling, giving lectures about health and living simply.
Paul didn't know it at the time, but his return to health and a simpler life was just the beginning of a path that would bring him to question the connection between today’s fast-paced urban lifestyle and the sadly diseased state in which so many people find themselves. “The more I started to realize what was really going on, I would see most people moving around like robots, barely surviving while I was thriving.”
This led Paul to continue to search for an answer. He realized that people are being controlled by the world. Most of the people in control do not have the best interests of the people they are controlling at heart.
As Paul continued to study, he was led to read the Bible. When he saw that it clearly said, we should not be controlled by the people of the world, but by the Master Creator, Father YHWH. Everything made perfect sense.
As a definitive confirmation that Our Creator had all the answers and not the world, Paul found Genesis 1:29:
“See, I have given you every plant that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, in which there is life, every green plant is for food.”
“Discovering healthful eating was a big step for me, but finding building a personal relationship with Our Creator was the biggest. My life has definitely changed and is better than it ever was.”
Paul’s life is now dedicated to studying and living according to the Scriptures and to developing his relationship with The Most High. It is Paul’s prayer to help as many people as possible to see the amazing health message of the Scriptures, and to help them get to know and understand their Creator. According to Paul, the Scriptures comprise the greatest book on health ever written.
To convey his message, Paul will travel wherever he must. He spends most of his time on the road. Paul explains that the hectic life on the road, working many hours, is only possible with the help of Our Creator .
“There is so much to get done, but each second I spend working on this is a joy because I know it’s not for me, it is for Our Creator and it is helping people.”
Paul will speak anywhere and is accepted everywhere. He usually speaks at health food stores, retreats, churches, Messianic assemblies, yoga studios, parks, and corporate offices. Paul says there is nowhere he wouldn’t speak, as long as people are interested in helping themselves get better.
Paul is on a mission to bring the message of health and healing to the world. His experiences and background in raw food nutrition, along with his study of the Scriptures, have helped him develop a unique teaching style that is fun, simple and to the point. Paul has helped people in several countries achieve their goals while pleasing their Maker.
He’s known among his peers as one of the most humble, enjoyable people to be around, while, at the same time, he speaks boldly and to the point. He has a unique style combining humor and boldness to get his message across to everyone. From children to seniors, men and woman, everyone stands to benefit from Paul’s message.